When you should call in a professional roofing contractor?

If you notice any issues with your roof like damaged or missing shingles, leaks, or just the natural aging of your roof, don’t delayit’s important to get your roof assessed and take care of necessary repairs putting them off leads to even costlier problems down the road. It is important to be aware of the common signs you need roof maintenance and when to bring in a professional roofing contractor, you protect your biggest asset and avoid serious damage.

Inspect annually

The easiest way to catch minor top-rated roofing company in ajax damage before it becomes a huge headache is to have yearly inspections. Over time, roof materials deteriorate. Annual professional inspections allow you to locate and repair small issues, saving you money over completely replacing the roof. A reputable roofing contractor does a thorough job checking for damaged, loose, or missing shingles or tiles, deteriorating roof flashings, areas of water damage, debris build-up, and more during routine maintenance.

Age matters

Depending on the materials used, most roofs last 15-25 years. Some high-end materials may extend to 30-50 years but will still need occasional maintenance and repairs. If your roof is near or over 20 years old, have an inspection to determine the remaining life expectancy. It likely needs some work, and you want to avoid being caught off guard by an unexpected major issue. Consult a roofing professional on whether repairs extend its usable life or if full replacement is needed.

Even if you don’t see obvious exterior damage after severe weather passes, there may be unseen impact. Moisture could infiltrate under materials, lift shingles, cause cracks or damage, and more. Don’t take chances call for a professional inspection and any critical repairs after extreme weather events. Wind-driven debris punctures shingles and leads to serious leaking issues. Torrential rainfall may reveal or aggravate tiny cracks that weren’t apparent before. Long periods of moisture build-up under roof materials advance deterioration and decay. An only expert spots all potential issues and correctly fix them.

Signs of leaks or damage

See any drips of water inside around your ceilings, skylights, or vents? Notice dark stains spreading across your ceiling? These obvious signs indicate roof leaks or water damage. But also watch for peeling paint or plaster around interior ceilings the beginning indication of moisture issues. Outside, examine shingles lifted by wind or damaged by falling branches or debris pileup. Shingles with curling edges or bald spots likely need replacing. Sagging roof sections or the appearance of cracks along the roofline also indicate repairs are due. Don’t ignore attic musty odors either—that signals excess moisture. Call an experienced roof contractor to pinpoint all external and internal sources allowing water penetration.

Changing roof pitch 

Has the overall shape or pitch of sections of your roofline changed? A roof that originally had nice symmetrical sloping angles may start showing uneven sagging or warping on one side. Weight stress, severe weather incidents, shifting foundations, and basic wear alter your roof’s form. Flattening pitch alters proper water runoff. A lower pitch equals more pooling. Combined with aging, gaps around flashings or vents and possible puncture holes lead to a flood of problems on the surface. Restoring appropriate roof slopes and fixing other associated issues will prevent major headaches.

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